Scientific and professional societies of which a member
Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) from 1999 until now.
Engineering Consultations and Studies Centre, Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, Egypt, since 2003 until now.
Egyptian Engineering Syndicates since 1991 until now.
Coordinator of the Artificial Intelligence Applications in Mechanical Engineering group, (AIAME) Taif University.
Member of “The International Congress for global Science and Technology ICGST Academic Community,”.
Member of “IJENS-RPG” IJENS Researchers Promotion Group.
Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE (Member #92196631)
Editorial board Member of International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications (IJISA).
Associate Editor of International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing (IJEM).
Guest editor of Special Issue: “Intelligent Control in Industrial Processes”, Journal: Applied Sciences (http://www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci)
Prizes and Scholarship Awarded
Scholarship, Government of Egypt, (undergraduate study from Oct. 1986- June 1991) due to obtain top student.
The prize of Prof. Dr. Ramadan Sadek in Mechanical Engineering 1989.
The prize of Prof. Dr. Talet hafez in Mechanical Design 1990.
Egyptian Government Scholarship 1999-2000.
Japanese Government Scholarship (Monbusho) 2001-2003.
Japanese Government Scholarship (Jasso) 2011.
Taif university prize of scientific research 2012.
Taif university prize of excellence in scientific publication 2013.
Taif university prize of excellence in scientific publication 2014.
Taif university prize of excellence in scientific publication 2015.
Taif university prize of excellence in scientific publication 2021.

Mechatronics Systems
Modeling and Control
2013 - Now
Taif University
Soft Computation
Fuzzy Logic, Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm
Antilock Brake Systems
Road Recognition
Thermofluid modeling
Solar systems and Refrigeration Cycles
Assiut University
Associate Professor
Assiut University
Assitant Professor
University of Yamanashi
PhD Candidate
Robotics Engineering
Modeling and Control