Thesis Supervisions
Supervisor of graduate student thesis
Fault Diagnosis in Electro-hydraulic Systems, (PhD)
Auto Tuning of PID and Fuzzy Controllers for Fire Tube Boiler Using Genetic Algorithm (Master)-awarded, 2005.
Intelligent fuzzy Control of A Flexible Robot Arm (Master) – awarded 2006.
Examiner of graduate student thesis
Motion Control of a Skid Steering Mobile Robot, Osama Elshazly Hassan Habib, Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (EJUST), (PhD), 2015.
Development of A Micro Tactile Display Device for Human Soft Tissues' Stiffness, Nader Abdelwahab Ahmed Mansour, Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (EJUST), (PhD), 2015.
Student Projects
Mechatronics Design of pike and place robot Provided with end Effectors, Assiut University.
Mechatronics Design of Rocket Launcher, Assiut University.
Mechatronics Design of two Axes Manipulator Provided with end Effectors, Assiut University.
Programmable Logic Control (PLC) Applications in Mechanical systems “Flow and Level Control”, Assiut University.
Control of Watering an Agriculture land using PLC Mechatronics, Omer El-Mukhtar University.
PID Control of a Car Suspension System, Omer El-Mukhtar University.
Design of XYZ Manipulator, Winning a prize for the first best Student invention Project, Taif university, 2012
Mechatronics Design of Automatic Motawif, Winning a prize for the second best Student invention, Taif university, 2012.
Mechatronics Design of interactive smooth board, Winning a prize for the third best Student invention, Taif university, 2012
Mechatronics Design of Antilock Brake Control System, Taif University
Mechatronics Design of Automatic Marketing Machine Winning a prize for the second best Student invention, Taif university, 2013.
Mechatronics Design of A Color Mixing Machine, Winning a prize for the third best Student invention, Taif university, 2013.
Design of Laser Cutting Robot, 2013, Taif University
Design of Welding Torch Robot Arm, 2013, Taif University.
Mechatronics Design of Automatic Garage door, 2014, Taif University.
Mechatronics Design of RR Manipulator, 2014, Taif University.
Mechatronics Design of Smart Home Model, 2015, Taif University.
Design of Home Automation, 2016, Taif University.
Design and Implementation of PID Control for Level Tank Level using Arduino, 2017, Taif University.
Design and Implementation of Automatic Solar Tracking System Using Arduino, 2018, Taif University.
Design and Implementation of Material Handling Robotic Arm, 2019, Taif University.
Design and Implementation of Automatic Pan and tilt System Using Arduino, 2020, Taif University.
Design and Implementation of Two Axes Rocket Launcher System, 2021, Taif University.
Design and Implementation of an Automatic Two Axes Rocket Launcher for Military Systems, 2022, Taif University.
Early Inspection of Agricultural Crops using a Mobile Robot, 2023, Taif University.