Curriculums Development:
Development the Curricula of Mechatronics Section, Faculty of Engineering – Assiut University, Assiut, 2004, Egypt.
Development the Curricula of Mechanical Engineering Department At Omer El-Mukhtar University, 2006, Libya.
Development the Curricula of Mechatronics Section, College of Engineering – Taif University, 2008, Saudi Arabia.
Development the Curricula of Mechatronics Department, College of Engineering – Taif University, 2013, Saudi Arabia.
Development the Higher studies Curricula of Mechatronics Track, College of Engineering – Taif University, 2015, Saudi Arabia.
Laborites Setup
Construct and Setup the Mechatronics Section Laboratories, Assiut University- 2003-2005, Egypt.
Construct the Engineering Education Center, Assiut university, 2004, Egypt
Construct and Setup a Process Control and Engineering Measurements Laboratories At Omer El-Mukhtar University, 2005-2008, Derna, Libya.
Construct and Setup the Mechatronics Section Laboratories, Taif University. 2008-2013, Saudi Arabia.
Set the technical specifications for Electronic Education and Virtual laboratories, Taif University, 2012, Saudi Arabia.
Set the technical specifications for Robotics laboratory, Mechanical Engineering Dept., Taif University, 2015, Saudi Arabia.
Institutional and professional service
Member of the organization Commit of the 7th International conference of the intelligent engineering Systems, (IEEE), 2003, Egypt.
Member of the organization Committee of the 1st International Workshop of the Mechatronics Education, 2003, Egypt.
The academic supervisor of Mechatronics Section, Taif University, 2008-, Saudi Arabia.
Member of Curriculum and courses commit Taif University, 2008-, Saudi Arabia.
Member of Students affaires commit Taif University, 2008-, Saudi Arabia.
Coordinator of the faculty of Engineering for the 1st Student research conference, Taif University, 2010, Saudi Arabia.
Member of the ABET Committee, Mechanical Engineering Dept., Taif University, 2015, Saudi Arabia.
Coordinator of the 1st International Workshop of the Mechatronics Education, Taif University, 8-10 March, 2015, Saudi Arabia.
Training programs of
How to Write A Research Project, 22-23 April, 2004, Assiut University.
Management’s Skills Development, 15-18 August, 2005, Assiut University.
Teaching Using Technology, 2-4, September, 2006, Assiut University.
Courses Design, 9-11, September, 2006, Assiut University.
Ethics of Teaching, 9-11, September, 2006, Assiut University.
Teaching Evaluation, 25-27, July, 2007, Assiut University.
International Research Prepare and Publication, 25-26, July, 2007, Assiut University.
Quality Management In High Education Systems, Sigma 6, march, 2009, Taif University.
Electronic Education, May 2009, Fahed University of minerals and petroleum.
Using ABET Instruction for Preparing the Mechanical Engineering Courses, 2010-2013, Taif University.
Training course of "PID control Panel Trainer", Lab-Tech company, 2012, Taif university
Training course of "Hot water Solar panel Trainer", Lab-Tech company, 2012, Taif university.
Training course of “Robot Hardware & software", Amatrol company, March, 2014, Indiana, USA.
Training course of “Process control", Hampden company, March, 2014, Boston, USA.
Training course of Design of the model e-course, 2022, Taif University
Training course of Mastering electronic assessment skills, 2022, Taif University
Training course of Effective teaching tools (participation and interaction), 2022, Taif University
Training course of Mastering e-course management skills, 2022, Taif University
Training course of Semester Course Results Report Forms, 2022, Taif University