Published Books
Ayman A. Aly, “Intelligent control", LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (Germany), ISBN (978-3-8433-8066-9).
Ayman A. Aly and Farhan A. Salem,“Fundamentals of Computer Numerical Control (CNC)”, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (Germany), ISBN (978-3-8443-0546-3).
Ayman A. Aly and Farhan A. Salem,“Fundamentals of Automation and Industrial ontrol Systems Using PLC”, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (Germany), ISBN (978-3-8443-9984-4).
Farhan A. Salem and Ayman A. Aly, “Fundamentals of Automatic Control”, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (Germany), ISBN (978-3-8473-1355-7).
A. A. Alshennawy and Ayman A. Aly, “Fundamentals ofTheory of Machines”, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (Germany), ISBN (978-3-8484-8551-2).
Ayman A. Aly, “Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Control”, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (Germany), ISBN (978-3-659-37099-1). 2013
K. Ibrahim, Ayman A. Aly and A. Abo. Ismail, “Intelligent Control of Flexible Robots”, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (Germany), ISBN (978-3-659-38004-4).2013
O. Hasanien, Ayman A. Aly and A. Abo. Ismail, "Auto Tuning of PID And Fuzzy Controllers Using Genetic Algorithm", LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (Germany),ISBN 978-3-659-70762-9