Intelligent fuzzy controller with road surfaces identifier for antilock brake system
Antilock brake system (ABS) which is a non-linear system may not be easily controlled by classical control methods. An additional challenging issue that manipulated in this search is the case of the so-called split-mu braking condition, where braking occurs while the wheels travel on different road surfaces. An intelligent fuzzy ABS controller is designed to adjust slipping pe

rformance for variety of roads. The fuzzy optimiser finds immediately the optimal wheel slips for the new surface and forces the actual wheel slips to track the optimal reference wheel slips. The simulation results show that proposed ABS algorithm ensures the avoiding of wheel’s blockage, even in different road conditions. Moreover, as a free model strategy, the obtained fuzzy control is advantageous from viewpoint of reducing design complexity and, also, anti-saturating, anti-chattering and robustness properties of the controlled system.